Retomando Trip to London 2024

Setenta alumnos de 2º de ESO, acompañados de seis profesores, vivieron estos días una gran aventura Londinense después de varios años de descanso por la pandemia. Realizaron visitas culturales con paradas en el London Eye, Big Ben and The Houses of Parliament at Westminster. En el British Museum, the National Gallery y the Natural History Museum ampliaron sus conocimientos en historia antigua, arte pictórico y biología. Todo a través de gymkanas y juegos.

Las tardes las dedicaron al ocio. Hubo momentos para ir de compras en Notting Hill y Candem Town; y para pasear por The Tower Bridge, Picadilly Circus y Covent Garden.

Un año más, el viaje resultó una ocasión muy especial para aprender, compartir y estrechar lazos. Desde aquí queremos dar las gracias a los profesores por su disponibilidad y cercanía con los chicos. Sin ellos todo esto no sería posible. Thank you so much and see you next year!


Seventy students of 2nd of ESO, together with six teachers, lived a great adventure in London, one that could not have been enjoyed since before the pandemic. They started doing some sightseeing at the London Eye, the Big Ben and The Houses of Parliament at Westminster. At the British Museum, the National Gallery and the Natural History Museum they acquired more knowledge about ancient history, fine arts and biology. All of it with games and gymkanas.

The afternoons were dedicated to leisure: There was time to go shopping at Notting Hill and Candem Town; and to stroll around and see the Tower Bridge, Picadilly Circus and Covent Garden.

The trip was once more a special occasion to learn, share and grow closer. We would like to thank all the teachers for being available and close to students. This could not have been possible without you. Thank you so much and see you next year!

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